Written by Bill Morris on January 13, 2021
Pandemic challenges become an opportunity for a Brooklyn co-op
August 20, 2015
Brooklyn is changing a lot. Prices are soaring so high they are starting to reach Manhattan-levels, and now, thanks to new development, the skyline is starting to reflect that change. In its most recent Brooklyn New Development report, CityRealty confirms that the skyline is transforming "as developers add tens of thousands of new rental and condominium apartments to the borough." Anyone who still thinks Brooklyn is synonymous with single-family houses need only check out the number of buildings with 20 or more units currently under construction — many of them, says CityRealty in its report, rising 10 or more stories and dramatically changing the built environment. CityRealty also anticipates the pace of building to outpace the previous decade, with nearly 5,000 new apartments in 2016 and nearly 6,000 in 2017.
December 30, 2020
Renewable energy will help co-ops and condos meet Climate Mobilization Act.
Written by Bill Morris on November 12, 2020
BuildingBoard.com is tailored to the needs of co-ops, condos and condops.
Written by Sue Treiman on November 04, 2020
Brooklyn co-op is a pioneer in new program to boost energy efficiency.
Written by Sue Treiman on October 14, 2020
Storage lockers are an amenity that produces a $50,000 yearly windfall.
October 12, 2020
Three condo boards seek $2 million for city’s failure to maintain parks.
Written by Victor M. Metsch on September 10, 2020
Co-op and condo boards need to meet the letter of the law to thwart violations.
Written by Marianne Schaefer on July 08, 2020
Brooklyn condo board plays sleuth to solve leak mystery.
Written by Paula Chin on July 09, 2020
Board and management put safety above convenience as the city reopens.