Hello, I would like to know if anyone has had any experiences with Metro Management managing their co-op or condo, or know of their reputation? Thanks
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While I work on my microphone issues that have plagued my last two podcasts, I invite you to listen to this informative conversation between myself and Alex Zafran of Logical Buildings where we tackle all things energy related as we get closer to May 1st and some drop-dead deadlines.
I am a board member of a Brooklyn co-op. Our underlying loan is coming due early Q1 2026 and we need to start shoping around for the refi. Where can I find a list of banks that provide underlying loans to co-ops? It seems not all commerical banks operate in this space and I would love to find a list of all banks that do so we can efficiently reach out to the right institutions (instead of wasting our time reaching out to banks that do not do these loans). We'd like to bypass a broker, if possible, as they cost quite a bit.
Thanks in advance!
Water leaked into my apartment from the one upstairs due to a leaking radiator. During a visit, I noticed the upstairs apartment is in complete disrepair, cluttered with furniture, and seemingly abandoned for at least 10 years. Despite this, I was told that maintenance fees are being paid, complicating the board's ability to repossess it. However, isn't it a requirement for shareholders to maintain their apartments in decent and safe conditions? If they fail to do so, shouldn't the co-op be able to take back the apartment and sell it to someone else? The board has been uncommunicative, only stating that they are trying to resolve the situation, but 10+ years is a long time. I am considering contacting the Department of Buildings (DOB) to seek their opinion, as that apartment is a time-bomb with potential hazards such as undetected gas leaks, water leaks, electrical failures, and fires.
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January 25, 2025
Re: Gouverneur Gardens Housing Corporation; a Mitchell-Lama Corporation, NY, NY 10002
$2.8 Million Dollar Plumbing Survey / Portion of the Capital Improvement Project
This week we, the residents at GGHC received a survey regarding the plumbing work to be performed by Xinos and ‘his’
chosen plumbing company once again. The previous company, Latty’s, which he also hired, were unlicensed plumbers,
unvetted nor OSHA certified workers! Our maintenance employees were called too many times and during night hours
to clean up their faulty work – waste back-ups into apartments, and broken or clogged pipes incorrectly installed by
their plumbing company while residents were forced to take out apartment insurance coverage, and causing a financial
burden to our operating expenses to cover overtime pay for our workers to fix their mistakes – all caused by
unprofessional workers and ultimately their contractor, Xinos. AS per the loan agreement, inspectors from HPD and
HDC were to inspect the work on a daily basis to ensure the contractors were in compliance. None of HPD/HDC
inspectors were or are on the premises to do so!
The survey indicated 1 and 2 options – see attached.
Option 1 was to return the $2.8 million dollars borrowed as part of the GGHC Capital Improvement Loan and not do any
of the remaining work at all and wait 10 years, or option 2, keep the monies and complete the work in 1.5 buildings,
although 2 remaining buildings would be excluded and will need to wait 10 years.
These are absurd, irrational, and unwise business decisions all which neither make any common sense.
1. As we all are aware any monies borrowed from HDC are non-returnable whatever the interest rate is at this
time, it’s clearly specified in their loan agreement. Furthermore, according to the Engineers, they advised the
Board at a meeting that this plumbing pipe replacement patch project included in the Capital Improvement
Project was unnecessary at this time and the pipes were good for another 10 years-- so why would we need to
have them done now? And if this work is currently necessary, why exclude 2 buildings now – sounds like double
talk; while it’s ‘needed’ now, a couple of the buildings could wait another the 10 years……… then obviously the
work is not ‘necessary’ at this time as confirmed by the engineers. Is this another portion of the CIP to justify a
reason for the contractor Xinos to get more of our monies for unnecessary work? Windows/terrace doors
replaced with inferior materials and wrongly installed, radiator thermostats which don’t work…new intercoms
system already requiring work change orders to break new walls to retrofit new system wiring (an unexpected
extra added cost to us and why didn’t they examine the new system to insure it would conform with our current
wiring), and list of added costs and work change orders continues to increase!
Comment: Because residents in buildings 5 & 6 were not aware they were being exposed to asbestos when their
walls were broken and pipes replaced; it may be to the benefit of the rest of the residents to wait the 10 years
and obtain an analysis at that time of how many residents are suffering from Cancer due to the negligence by
the Board and the Contractors’ by NOT performing the necessary Abatement to protect our residents at these
buildings, and how many law suits will GGHC be facing!!
2. By the Board distributing this survey, its clear they are misleading the residents with false information indicating
there is an urgency now to replace these pipes and weaponizing a projected higher cost in 10 years to mentally
manipulate shareholders into making an unjustified financial decision now in the remaining buildings when in
fact the cost can actually be negotiated when that time comes. (in either case, the 2 remaining buildings will
need this work to be performed in 10 years!!) – this current pipe project is a scheme/sham!
3. Residents have received and are receiving maintenance increases based on the total amount of the loan; if these
monies are returned to HPD/HDC, will shareholders be reimbursed for these increases? Our new mortgages
were renegotiated and restructured based on the total $$ amount of the loan, how will this change affect our
mortgages will they be recalculated by HPD/HDC based on the return of the $2.8 million dollars borrowed? If in
fact, HPD/HDC will be willing to take back the $2.8 million dollars???
4. GGHC received over 40 violations by DEP when Xinos and the Board ignored the residents’ concerns regarding
the Asbestos in Building 4 – 605 Water Street. Instead, knowingly they continued to perform the work
regardless of the exposure to cancer causing contamination just to get the contractor Xinos paid for the work.
The residents were forced to contact the authorities, they united to protect themselves and their families when
they started becoming ill. The authorities, DEP, issued a Work Stop Order to protect the lives of the residents
and forced the Corporation to hire a certified Abatement company to comply with the law.
5. What assurances do we, the residents in Bldgs 1, 2 and 3 have where we won’t be forced to contact DEP and
EPA and incur additional violations again in order to get an Abatement done to protect ourselves and our
families from this cancer-causing asbestos contamination? Afterall, the board lied to the residents in Bldg 4,
stating there was no Asbestos to avoid paying monies to an Abatement Company while jeopardizing the lives of
the residents (violating their own Fiduciary responsibilities as Directors to protect the health and safety of the
residents), HPD/HDC failed us by not providing an inspector to oversee the projects as per their loan agreement,
however, other Agencies (DEP & Buildings Dept), conducted tests and they were positive for Asbestos, ordering
the Abatement!
6. What the Board doesn’t tell you! (while refusing to call another Town Hall Meeting and inviting HPD/HDC)
In this survey, The Board did NOT indicate during the abatement project necessary to mitigate the asbestos
when the walls are opened, it will be necessary for you and your families to vacate your apartments/relocate
during this process either to a hotel room for 3 days, or to another location, or 124 families will be invited to go
to the Community Room in Bldg 4, from 7:00am until 11:00pm as many families experienced in Building 4;
furthermore, there are families who paid out of pocket for their hotel room(s) – and waited or are currently
waiting for their reimbursement from the Corporation which has and may take weeks or months; you’ll need to
do the same; How many days will residents be required to stay out of our apartments, the cost to cover these
expenses and reimbursements, how long will the entire process take to schedule each apartment and the entire
building including slop sinks? These are legitimate concerns which the Board will not disclose! While you’ll live
with open walls where rodents, rats, mice, roaches and other insects infest our apartments should residents
decide to – such is what residents in Building 4 (605 Water Street) are experiencing these last 2 years!
PS: Don’t let anyone fool you that there’s no asbestos in our buildings; all 6 buildings were built in 1964 at the
same time, with the same contaminated cancer causing construction materials – Asbestos!
AS in Building 4, We may also need to exercise our civil rights and contact the agencies (311-DEP) to protect
ourselves and our families from terminally physical and mental illnesses as well!
Therefore, as concerned residents it is imperative for you to protect yourselves and your families, be informed and take
the appropriate action, voice your concerns and please don’t allow anyone either Management, The Board and any
Contractor mislead you; instead use your best judgement, and make wise and common-sense decision
The board recently updated the house rules to include a sublet fees and illegal sublet fee. Is that allowed? I thought it was supposed to be referenced in the proprietary lease?
Shareholders were told that our co-op couldn’t get a better rate or maybe get a new insurance company because we don’t have a sprinkler system. Has anyone heard of that? My old co-op didn’t have a sprinkler system.
I don’t know how unusual or common place this might be but maybe someone out there can offer up some guidance. We have a 108 unit co-op in Bay Ridge, it’s a pretty large building in 2 wings. We have a live in Super who we provide a beautiful apartment to for him and his pretty large family. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths on the first floor. If the co-op were to sell it we could easily get over $700K for it. He also has all his utilities paid as well as free laundry. He’s supposed to be available 24/7 with paid vacation and 2 days off but he is still supposed to be available.
Without any one else in the building knowing except for the board president and a few other board members he and his wife recently opened a speciality grocery store and bakery where he is the proprietor and his wife runs the bakery. When we brought this to the attention of the board at the most recent shareholders meeting the board president told us that he can do whatever he wants with his free time. We already know from the porter that he is not in the building most days and we are about to lose our 5th porter in 7 years because it’s too much work for him since the super doesn’t help him at all. Is this something we as shareholders should have a say in? There are already instances where he hasn’t been around when we call him or he has sent him wife to check things out instead of showing up himself.
My co-op building is from 1937, radiator valves and also the air valves started to need replacing. Our proprietary lease says the owner is responsible for "repair and replacement of plumbing, gas and heating fixtures." I know owners will not want to pay for this but we need to follow the lease and have owners take responsibility. Anyone have experience or history with this?
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It is serious. The board/ managing agent has been notified numerous times and does nothing effective.
The Super and handyman talk residents into hiring their associates or themselves. To save "money" and avoid any alteration agreement. Electric plumbing , etc. Staff often does this work during daytime paid hours.
They also sneak in their "associates."
What can we do? Call 311?
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I hope the Board and the management companies is charging the apartment above for your leaks and not the co-op paying for it? Check on that.
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