December 18, 2023
In a reversal, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac move to make lending more transparent.
Written by Howard Schechter, Partner, Armstrong Teasdale on December 07, 2023
A nuanced understanding of mixed-use condos and their legal frameworks is important in order to deal with the challenges that can arise in hybrid buildings.
December 12, 2023
A new report reveals that there's more than one way to cut building carbon emissions.
December 11, 2023
Middle-class co-ops and condos are squeezed by rising costs and unfunded mandates.
December 08, 2023
Co-op and condo boards will now have an easier time complying with Local Law 97.
December 04, 2023
Can the board mandate home inspections? The answer is in the governing documents.
Written by Mindy Stern on November 23, 2023
Transferring a co-op apartment to a trust is a complex process.
December 01, 2023
Massive Missouri lawsuit on brokers' fees is roiling the New York real estate market.
November 28, 2023
A green electric grid and affordable electricity are both within reach.
November 27, 2023
There are places to turn for help when an elderly resident suffers from impairment.