Boards must decide if it’s smart to save on interest by paying down the loan.
Angry residents say the board's actions are pricing them out of their homes.
Written by Carol J. Ott on March 08, 2023
Persistence pays off for a board seeking to replenish its reserve fund.
March 07, 2023
Episode is a reminder that all co-op and condo boards must keep their buildings safe.
February 28, 2023
Co-op and condo boards need to act now to avoid fines for carbon emissions.
Written by Bill Morris on February 15, 2023
With carbon capture, Manhattan tower has turned a liability into an asset.
February 14, 2023
The challenges kept coming with old systems that hemorrhaged money.
Written by Bill Morris on February 08, 2023
Combined heat and power will also eliminate fines under Local Law 97.
Written by Bill Morris on February 01, 2023
By cutting waste, board saves big without major upfront costs.
February 03, 2023
A nasty fight has erupted over how close a church can build next to a co-op.