Written by Tom Soter on November 06, 2012
Co-op and condominium managing agents throughout the region continue to cope with the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, even as a new storm is predicted for Wednesday, November 7.
Peter Lehr, the director of management at Kaled, reported that Birchwood on the Green, a 334-unit co-op in Oakdale, Suffolk County, on Long Island, was hard hit by the storm: “The power went out and we have to deal with [the building’s] sewage treatment plant. We were scrambling around to get the power up and running, at least to the sewage treatment plant. They got power back in the complex Friday — that’s three or four days without it — and our environmental team has been monitoring the situation because you’ve got to make sure that the [sewage plant] chemicals are balanced right. [If they’re not,] Suffolk County will come in and violate you.”
If your board isn't up on the two Fs — flooding and federal insurance — you may be inviting trouble. Here's what you need to know, both in terms of having a flood-insurance policy and in how to collect enough from it to afford repairs and restoration.
November 26, 2013
A past installment of our Teachable Moments series looked at disaster preparedness and recovery. With scientists predicting more such extreme weather as superstorm Sandy, and with New York City's history of electrical blackouts, terrorism and other disasters — as well as lesser incidents like road-choking blizzards and plumbing-destroying cold snaps and ice storms — it's worth listening to two experienced property-management professionals as they each share a real-life story of how they spearheaded co-op / condo readiness and remediation.
Written by Tom Soter on November 07, 2012
With a new storm threatening to strike the city and its suburbs today, co-op / condo property managers continue to supervise clean-up activities from Hurricane Sandy — even as they prepare for more rain and winds.