Written by Frank Lovece on July 20, 2012
The Clinton West condominium at 516 W. 47th Street, in the neighborhood you call either Clinton or Hell's Kitchen depending on how New York you are, seems a nice place to live. Built in 2003, the seven-story, two-building complex of about 80 apartments boasts granite kitchen counters, heated bathroom floors, an atrium lounge with WiFi, a fitness room and even a putting green. Behind this genteel façade, however, a battle brewed.
Edward Desmond of apartment S3G is a union electrician who since 2010 has been unemployed. That year, he fell behind on his common charges and notified the property manager — first Steven Katz of Rudd Realty, later his successor, Ellen Marrone of Midboro Management. As Desmond testified in court, Marrone reasonably and appropriately told him that if Desmond were to begin making his current payments, "it would be a show of good faith."
It was one of the last reasonable things anybody did.