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Appointed director? - Pooh Jul 05, 2021

Is it common practice that a co-op attorney is appointed as a director/board of director too?

Wouldn’t that be a conflict?

Also is it appropriate for the attorney to use the director title when it works for him?

One time he sent a letter to someone in our building and didn’t sign it besides listing himself as the director of co-op and not attorney..,,why if he’s our attorney?

I know the board members were OK with this but to me its odd.

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I don't like the idea of the co-op's attorney of record being on the Board of Directors. If this person is also a shareholder, there's an obvious conflict of interest. How do you plan to move forward with legal action against this shareholder if a problem arises? And even if the attorney/director is not a shareholder, it's still problematic. They'd need to recuse themselves from voting on whether to engage their services. Otherwise, there's a business conflict of interest. "Do we need to replace light bulbs that burn out? Better call the co-op's attorney for a consultation!"

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Have you ever heard of this before though?

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He’s a non voting board member but I still think it’s odd and to me inappropriate.

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I fully agree with Carl from my own experience. For a number of years, one of our board members was also the co-op's attorney of record. This was done in the guise of "saving the co-op money".

On occasion, this caused serious disagreements between he and I due to his conflict of interest. As a board member he had a fiduciary responsibility to the Co-op Corp and its shareholders. But as the co-op's "attorney" he would render legal opinions that favored his side of a disagreement, even when demonstrably wrong. It was uncomfortable and messy.

I'm not sure I understand the significance of being a "non-voting board member". If he can't vote, what is he purpose on the board?

Your co-op's attorney should be completely independent of any connections to the Co-op. He should not be a board member voting or otherwise, he should not be a shareholder, he should not have any family relationship to a shareholder, nothing.

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It’s so bizarre because I grew up in a house and work in NYC and just can’t believe all the made up rules/situations. It’s all so loosey goosey. You have people on a board who know nothing about a building and especially the structure and they make decisions.

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A common practice for practicality. He can sign documents for convenience sake when sending them on a round trip to the Board is a waste of time and energy.

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I still don’t like that. It’s our home and we need to control it and the President or VP should sign documents.

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Yes, it's almost like real life! In business you think every board director knows all about structures or anything else about running a company? That's why it's useful to have an engineer on the board if possible to bring some experience to the table.

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Unfortunately what I see is that they don’t know anything and think they do and make expensive mistakes.

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Legal tools for handling sponsor/property management problems? - Blocked in the Bronx Jun 28, 2021

My coop experience has unfortunately been horrible.

Our sponsor has maintained control over the building for decades. She has full influence over the property manager, and our board is packed with her picks. She and the property manager illegally cancelled the building election three years ago, and we haven't had one since. Their excuse is quarantine.

Among other issues, I was assaulted by one of her tenants - who has since moved out. No security camera was installed in the area where the attack occurred (and the board has refused to install one since.)

I have no doubt this individual has a record, and would like to at least present that information as proof the sponsor DOES NOT do due diligence re: who she rents to. Unfortunately, I'm disabled and on a strict budget. Are there ANY tools or contacts that would be of use to me? Thanks!

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So sorry.

I actually called the NY State Attorney General office about a situation in my co-op and was able to speak to someone that was so helpful. His name was George. 1-800-771-7755. I think it’s #3 to speak to someone so listen to each section. They will give you numbers and info on who and what depts to call but start here first and tell them your situation.

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Speaking about documents without seeing them - Pooh Jun 25, 2021

I wanted to ask about this part of the annual meeting where we vote for officers..I had mentioned that I felt ambushed when asked to sign a code of ethics and if I don’t then I’m off the board and didn’t know ahead of time but others new on the board since I was new. Why didn’t the attorney have the document or even other’s documents that they wanted me to sign sent to the board members so we can discuss it?

He also mentioned something about him and someone in our management company to be officers…something like that and again didn’t have the documents in front.

Also he said a code of ethics is has more power than an NDA. Is that true?

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An article in the latest issue of The Cooperator has a number of questions posed by shareholders concerning tainted or questionable elections, and responses from attorneys. You may find something that is on point for your issues or close to it.

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Thank you but how would you feel if that happened to you? Also during the meeting the attorney was rude and disrespectful and I’m an owner but during the actual annual meeting he was so nice. Would you think it was shady considering all the other board members knew about this document? There is a click. Who’s going to join the board now. So if you burp the wrong way and someone doesn’t like you on the board like the President they’ll contact the attorney. I spoke to the management company (President) and I told him how unprofessional and shady it was and how I felt and then I told him I’m no longer going to serve on the board. I also showed the document to a few people and they said they wouldn’t sign it either. I told a few shareholders because they congratulated me and then I told them I’m not joining and they were upset.

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remember the shareholders vote and elect the Board, not the other members of the board. So only the shareholders can remove a Board member before their term is up.

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Thank you but the attorney said if I didn’t sign the document I can’t be on the board.
I felt like I was being bullied.

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You can ask the attorney under what authority you can be denied your place on the board if you don't sign the document, but if you're not an attorney yourself it's a spitting contest you'll probably lose. If you ask, do so in writing and request he also replies in writing.

I see two options: speak to your own attorney, or contact the Attorney General's office, advise them of the situation, and ask them for help

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Do you do this in your co-op?

Who’s going to join the board with all this nonsense. My job doesn’t even do this.

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It's a huge investment for you. Are you going to let someone else run down the quality of life and the resale value?
If so, what do you expect us to do?

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If you and the other shareholders choose not to do anything you've effectively ceded the outcome to the incumbent board.

In answer to your question about who's going to join the board with all the nonsense, the answer is simple. Organize the rest of the shareholders so a slate of board candidates you put up receives a majority of shareholder votes. Old board is out, new board is in, nonsense is gone.

I said the answer is simple, not easy. You'll have to really work to overcome natural inertia and the tendency to avoid confrontation. You may not get a majority to support your position and at best elect only one or two new board members. You may need to go to an outside attorney and that will cost money. Only you can decide how much pain you're willing to endure, and if it is so much you'd rather throw in the towel.

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I actually told the mgmt company that I’m not joining the board. Someone else joined and she’s actually a good person BUT I’m sure the shareholders are wondering why I decided to do that 2 days later. An email went out already.

Oh the President reported someone already and that’s why he didn’t run again .
I can’t be in the same space as her. It’s a team effort and a woman who worked in a completely different industry has no clue about the structure of a building. I do think she’s afraid of me because i confront her when she lies.

I started letting shareholders know already and they were upset and to me the Board loses credibility doing shady things right off the bat.

I will check her and the attorney. I’m the client and his click with her is unprofessional.

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If other shareholders are upset over shady board actions it should be much easier for you to organize the shareholders and get a friendly slate of candidates elected.

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I definitely was upset on the disrespect from the attorney to an owner. He works for me/co op. I think if it was presented better and more like…please don’t get offended but we feel this is something we should have in place and all board members will be signing this…

The other board members knew about the document because its a click and the fact the President already ratted someone out isn’t good. we have a board member who was subletting illegally until he was approached…who’s going to take the board seriously.

We if I would of known about this document I wouldn’t of run.

We’ll have to change next year.

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Code of conduct document - Pooh Jun 23, 2021

I was voted on the board and found out during the meeting at the end that there’s a code of conduit document and I have to sign it or I’m off the board. I never knew about this or else I would of never run. I was so upset. Is this legal? I don’t know anyone that lives in a co-op that does this. I felt ambushed.

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I would feel ambushed too. I assume you've had a chance to review the document and you don't agree with it. If you were duly elected by a shareholder vote I don't think the board has the power to arbitrarily throw you off. You might have to contact an attorney about this. Also, check your Bylaws. That document provides the rules under which the board can conduct itself. It should contain a section describing the conditions for board member removal.

If you want to push back, the first thing I would do is ask for copies of the CoC documents signed by every other board member. See if everyone is in the same boat or if you're rowing by yourself. If you get the copies, hang onto them. If you're refused, don't sign anything either. I believe you're still a board member. You may have to contact the Attorney General's office for help.

You'll have to decide if you can live with the CoC. If you can, fine. If not, you may need to talk to an attorney because co-op corporations and their boards are controlled by NYS and NYC laws and regulations.

Good luck!

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The others will sign too but they’re on the board and knew about the document already. It wasn’t even an official document because it was a blank white piece of paper and cut and paste and no date or co-op heading name. It also states in the second half that as a board member I can’t contact our management company or a vendor and I have to go through the President. Obviously the President is insecure that I’m going to out shine her. Who’s going to join the board now with this stupid document.

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rules/laws re:sponsor's sale - DP Jun 23, 2021

Are there different rules/laws for selling apartments in a coop, based on whether you're an owner or the sponsor
—laws controlling who the SPONSOR is allowed to sell to (especially when he's trying to disengage from the building)?

We are trying to accomplish more owner-occupied units in our coop and do NOT want investors. The sponsor knows this, and yet...

He sold one of his units to another investor. That investor never lived in the building, and immediately rented it to a family who already lived here but was looking to move within the building. That tenant moved out within a short time (year or two) and the apartment is now rented to yet another person.

Thank you.

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We have sponsored units in our building and little by little they sell them. We don’t have a lot at this point. Once the sponsor sells them then the buyer becomes a shareholder and has to follow the rules. They can’t rent out their unit aka sublet until after a certain time. You should contact your management company and co-op attorney because something doesn’t make sense or maybe with us we don’t allow investors and that’s why we don’t have that problem. Did you also check your bylaws?

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Be proactive or people will take advantage

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Communication from the Board to all shareholders/residents - Pooh Jun 22, 2021

Is it appropriate for the President of the board to send out emails using their name and not ending it “Your Co-op Board” or something like that?

In our co-op the President sends out random emails and doesn’t even let the board give input and some are long with lots of details.

How is that a team besides that quite a few times the emails were hostile and disrespectful.

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you cannot restrict his sending out info on a sheet of paper.
Have a conversation and tell him of the concerns of the rest of the board.
A board member you cannot work with should be voted off the board. Campaign; you are in politics!

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Does the president try to make it sound as if the emails represent the entire board, or is it clear from the context that the emails are the opinion of the president individually?

If the former, at the next board meeting you should vote to require a majority board approval of anything being sent by individual board members. If the president continues to defy the board's vote, it should be easier to remove the president or any board member who behaves badly.

If the latter, the board should inform the president that if they persist in sending out emails to shareholders that do not represent the majority of the board, the rest of the board will send out their own email expressing the views of the rest of the board.

The way we deal with individual vs board emails is, if the email would reasonably originate with an individual board member, such as the treasurer sending out something to do with co-op finances, the board approves the text and the email goes out in the name of the treasurer only.

If the email expresses a full board opinion or vote, then the email is signed by the individual writing it, and indicates board concurrence, like this:

--- Steven424, for the board.

Either way, remember that no individual board member is above the will of the board.

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They send communication as if it’s just from them and not the team. This person doesn’t understand what a team is.

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Contacting co-op attorney on board member - Pooh Jun 22, 2021

What are your thoughts on the President of the board who contacts the co-op attorney to rat out a fellow board member when they think that maybe they did something wrong. It’s not even that serious but it happened two times already. The President didn’t even consult the other board members .

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Depending on the situation, It sounds like the President may be acting very prudently.

If the President becomes aware of some action by another board member that "may be wrong", the President may first want to find out if there are any legal ramifications to the action, and may also want advice on the best and least harmful way to deal with the action.

As for not consulting with other board members, the actions of the errant board member may cause embarrassment or show a lack of good judgment, and the President wants to spare the board member any blowback.

Talking to an attorney is not ratting out a fellow board member, but a good way to get an idea of the consequences from different courses of action.

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This President tries to find anything to get this board member out. It’s such caddy nonsense and then they want to know why no one wants to run for the board or ask questions or shows up to Annual. They really don’t care or respect them.

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If enough other shareholders feel as you do, then you all should organize and propose your own slate of candidates. Then vote the entire existing board out. It will be very messy, but short of taking any sort of legal action, the best way I can think of to resolve the problem.

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Who leads Election of officers after annual meeting - Pooh Jun 22, 2021

After we have an annual meeting and we know who will be elected who leads the conversation on appointing each role?
The current president sent out communication already to stay after, etc and she’s acting like she’s the President for the next year but she wasn’t elected yet.

Is it a board member, management company or attorney leading the conversation.

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In our co-op it's the attorney who leads the post Annual Meeting election of officers.

I think that your President is just doing her job reminding people via communication what's going to happen after the meeting - regardless of whether she's still the President after the next meeting.

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She can act as if she is still president right up to the election of Board members. Then you have new board members who amongst themselves elect the new officers. You can vote her out of being Pres or not.
Exercise your ability to stand up for yourself.

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Playroom reopening - Nancy L Jun 22, 2021

We've not seen any specific guidance on whether we can reopen our building playroom for kids' parties. We have allowed the playroom to remain open for one family's use at a time. The kids are mostly not vaccinated, but several parents want to be able to host guests and parties again.
We are willing to let them absent specific guidance to the contrary, with the caveat that we don't want to monitor anything, e.g., mask wearing. Any advice?

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Possible unapproved sublet - Pooh Jun 21, 2021

We think one of our broad members is subletting . He was asked who was living in his apartment ( as neighbors notice someone new) and he said a roommate but yet he’s never in the building and a woman lives in his apartment and it’s a one bedroom. Don’t want our board to look bad. What should we do? Report to management company? If it is true what would be the consequences?

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It's going to be very difficult to "prove" the shareholder/board member is not living in the apartment for the purposes of determining an illegal tenancy. You need some way of capturing if the shareholder actually comes and goes, you can't post a watch 24x7.

Is his social situation such that it's possible he has a girlfriend and works long or odd hours? Do you have a doorman who could note when he comes and goes? Any security cameras or swipe cards that record entrances and exits? All of these are very labor-intensive and may not be worth the effort.

The board as a whole is not going to look bad because one board member had chosen to ignore or violate the rules on subletting. The management company works for the board, so anything the management company finds out will be reported to the board.

Short of hiring a private investigator, I think the best you can do is, if the shareholder is truly subletting, hope that he slips up somewhere and his error is caught. As for consequences, that's a question best answered by an attorney.

Good luck!

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No one sees him in the building and especially neighbors who notice the woman in the apartment and he lives somewhere else with his partner.

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Steven424 is right. Knowing it and proving it are two different things.

Good luck trying to prove it but be ready to let it go if you can't.

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