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COVID & apt. elevators - DP Jul 15, 2020


Does anyone know if there are any new, specific (and legal?) requirements, guidelines, rules, etc. about the following?Knowledgeable answers please.

My 55-unit coop has a small (less than 6' long), old, kind of dirty elevator, with no fans, no moving air, etc. I know the supers are cleaning the surfaces, hopefully daily. But it has a nasty rug on the floor—I've been advocating its removal for years now, to no avail.

But this is the bigger problem, and my question: Yesterday I encountered two different individuals (one going in, a different one coming out) using the elevator without wearing a mask. I then had to enter the elevator immediately afterwards. I was uncomfortable doing so and felt unsafe. Has anyone seen any references to this anywhere?

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NYS guidelines state that more than one person can be in an elevator, but only if they've been sheltering together during the quarantine. Non sheltering people should not be in the elevator together. They should only ride the elevator one passenger at a time.

If you google "NYS elevator covid guidelines", you'll see a link to COVID-19: FAQ for Residential Buildings -

In part, it states that..."Face coverings should be worn when a distance of at least 6 feet cannot be maintained. To avoid crowding, limit the number of people in the elevator at the same time. People should consider only riding the elevator with their own party, taking the stairs or waiting for the next elevator. (Jun 26, 2020)

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Thank you Marty for your reply. Unfortunately, it doesn't answer my question. I'm aware of all you've said. This is something a bit different. The most up-to-date info I've read is that COVID CAN remain airborne. I never go into the elevator with anyone else. I always wear a mask. But if someone in the elevator before me wasn't wearing a mask and has coughed, sneezed, cleared their throat, talked on their phone—done anything that spreads whatever is in their exhalation—a subsequent person in that elevator can be affected. I am hoping the governor will take this into account and not just talk about the 6' requirement, but masks to be worn in a small space PERIOD.

I have already reached out to his office. Let's see what happens.

Thank you.

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Unfortunately, there is no good answer for most buildings. I found this article about the hangtime of the virus in the atmosphere:,up%20to%20three%20hours.

Unless your elevator has surveillance camera monitoring there is no way to know who rode in it before, how long ago, were they wearing a mask, and did they sneeze, cough, etc. It's a reality we all have to deal with. The only alternative I can think of is using the stairs, but that is not an option for many apartment dwellers.

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Thanks Steven. The article was great & I will share it.
I am presently less interested in identifying those without masks, b/c there's no law, no teeth, about it. And that's what I was asking about. Unfortunately, the answer is "no." Also, I don't need to look at videos... I pass people daily. I see, in real time, who does & doesn't wear masks.

I was hoping against hope that there were some new guidelines for apartment buildings—some rules with teeth. But there aren't. I understand my options and the alternatives, and sometimes I do take the stairs (I'm on the 6th floor). But when I want to go bike riding, that's not an option; I must use the elevator.


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You''re welcome, DP. I have the same problem with my bicycle you do with yours. I live on the 5th floor and its a real hassle getting the bike up and down the stairs. Whenever I'm anywhere in my building I have my mask on, and will only ride in the elevator solo.

I doubt we'll see any new laws or regulations with any teeth because enforcement will be all but impossible. No building can afford to have a dedicated elevator monitor, let alone find someone willing to continuously ride up and down in an elevator with potential spreaders while observing people's masking behavior. It seems that when people follow the guidelines we do have (masks and >6' separation), the chance of contracting COVID-19 are greatly reduced.

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Indeed... And I don't need a monitor, but I did need something in writing. Something clear and specific, where there was none.

So I have made progress, even though there is no law to enforce anything. I finally got the building management to put up signs explicitly about masks in common areas. Four months into this! Now, when I see a fellow resident not wearing one, I can point to the sign and more easily, more safely, ask them to do so. So, that's a start.

Nothing substantial will really happen until this administration wakes up. Personally, I hope when Nov. 4 comes, theirs will be a rude awakening. At that time, we as a society, and as individuals, will have a lot of work to do.

Stay safe. Stay aware. And thanks for your thoughtful input......

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BCL 727 Conflict of Interest report - PhilC Jul 14, 2020


I am have been shareholder in Manhattan co-op for over 5 years, and I have never once received a conflict of interest report.

Is this normal? It seems like these have been required since 2017, whether or not conflicts of interest exist? I am aware that there is apparently no auditing / enforcement of this requirement whatsoever (!?), so I am wondering of most co-ops are providing these, ignoring the requirement altogether, or something else?

I plan to raise the matter at our annual meeting, requesting that these be provided for all years up to the present, is there anything else I can do beyond that to have these produced by our board?


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My understanding is that the Board needs to submit a conflict of interest report that covers the entire Board's activities. At least that's how we've done it.

I have never heard that our shareholders are supposed to receive a copy of this report. It's supposed to be on file with the proper authorities.

I don't know why you'd say that there is no auditing/enforcement of this requirement. Just because you haven't received the report doesn't mean it hasn't been done. None of our shareholders has ever received this report.

The filing of this report is now the law, so any responsible Board should be in compliance.

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Interesting - I had understood that the requirement was to provide the report to shareholders themselves:

"submit an annual report to the shareholders, which shall be signed by each such director"

When you say "on file with the proper authorities", can you be more specific? Would that be the NY Attorney General, or some other body?

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There is a podcast on this site by Braverman Greenspun titled
"What does the new disclosure law mean for my board?" also:

I was also curious about this since i have never received this report either

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I don't know which agency gets the report. Our managing agent takes care of it by filing the report after the Board signs it.

I guess we've been lucky in that none of our Board members has anything resembling a conflict of interest based on how we conduct business.

Sounds like the podcast suggested by NYC might be worth a listen. Please update all of us if you receive additional information. Thanks.

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Hi philc,
Did you receive BCL727or find out any further information regarding this report?

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No - I am still yet to (ever) receive one of these reports from my co-op.

As best I can tell, there is absolutely no enforcement of this requirement, although I'd love to be wrong about that.

Thanks, hope that helps!

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Because " The law is completely silent on enforcement and oversight, and does not contain any penalties for violations", boards are not adhering to this law, also shareholders are either unaware of the disclosure report
or do not want to be considered trouble makers by requesting the report.

Like other BCL's legal intervention would probably be required. What is the point of having a law that is moot?

You might want to contact Diana Nickel 212-416-8131  at the Attorney Generals office or anyone on lthe below list.

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Who is Responsible for Star Corrections - NYC Jul 01, 2020

I am currently receiving Enhanced Star and Senior Citizens exemptions. I filed my paper work in November 2019 and again because the D.O.F. did not receive the copy. I also sent all the information on line but was told to send the original copies.

The problem was that when I purchased the co-op it was in my name. Then I got married. It is not mandatory to put my husband’s name on the certificate of occupancy.

All of my other legal documents are in my married name including my taxes. My husband has since passed away, prior to his passing, I was receiving the Enhanced Star and co-op Abatement, only after his passing did I apply for the Senior Citizens exemptions.

I sent all required paper work including original death certificate and marriage license and letter explaining why the co-op name and name on my tax forms were different. I received an acceptance letter that I was entitled to these benefits and requested a break down.

Everything was going fine until today. The co-op manager left a note in my mail box that I will lose my benefits unless I call the number provided because they never received the paper work.

I called and reviewed all the information with the representative but she was not able to email me conformation however she did provide me with a registration number.

We have multiple lots and block# that are listed on this letter and I think the manager is passing the buck to all recipients of these exemptions rather than do the research himself. Now he says he cannot do anything without a letter from the D.O.F.

Is this the responsibility of the shareholder or the management company? I thought these adjustments could now be handled on line by the Management company

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Hi -

I'm sorry for the aggravation you're going through with the exemptions. Between lost documents, name inconsistencies, and dealing with the DoF in general, it can get very annoying.

To answer your question about responsibility, in my opinion (and I am not a lawyer) individuals who receive tax abatements are responsible to make sure they properly qualify. In the case of STAR, Senior Citizen, R/E tax, and other abatements, you receive the abatements from the DoF and not from the co-op. Your co-op acts as a sort of agent and pass-through for the DoF to get the funds to you.

In my building, the managing agent works closely with shareholders to resolve problems with abatements, but they are not required to. It's a service we ask our MA to perform.

I agree it sounds like your MA is giving you the runaround. My first suggestion would be to contact your board president or other board member and explain the situation to them. Ask for their help with making the MA more responsive.

You might also try contacting the owners of the other co-ops listed on the MA's letter. The more aggrieved shareholders who are involved, the more leverage you all will have.

You need to try to stop the clock if you're up against any deadlines. Call the DoF (or see if there's anywhere online) you can enter your registration number to confirm any deadlines and ask for an extension.

Best of luck to you,
--- Seve

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Thank you steven. I did send an email to the D.O.F. With the reg # I received from the person I did speak to. I included a copy of the acceptance letter, and mailing return receipt. I also reached out to a board member so I guess there is nothing left to do but wait for their responses. The M.A. omitted the other owners names and unit 's and just put my name and unit number on the form. I guess it was an oversight that he left the other block numbers. Thanks again :-)

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Hi Steve,
I don’t know who is giving you the thumbs down. I think you have a crazy stalker named Connie.

Just want you and all the other contributors to know I appreciate the advice I receive from this site.

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Personally, I don't think there should be a rating system on a FREE site, where people are giving their time and sharing their experiences.

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Thanks, NYC. I think of it as simply returning what I received back when I first joined my board. I didn't discover Habitat and these forums until a few years later, but CNYC with their monthly newsletters and annual symposiums were invaluable in the beginning.

As for a stalker... At my age, I never imagined I'd have my very own groupie. Kind of honored, and tickled. ;-)

Stay safe.

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elevator consultants - EES Jun 23, 2020


My building is intending to modernize our two elevators. We would like to use a consulting firm to help us manage the product. Sierra Consulting looks promising. I am wondering if any other buildings have experience with other independent consulting firms that they would recommend?
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We used Vertical Systems Analysis and thought they did a good job.

307 West 36th Street 8th Floor

New York, NY 10018

T: 212.989.5525

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Certifying attendance at Zoom-based annual meeting? - Carl Tait Jun 15, 2020

Like many co-ops, we are holding our annual meeting via Zoom this year. A question for those who are doing the same thing: how do you plan to certify attendance to prove you have a quorum? Usually, we have a physical sign-in sheet, plus proxies for those who can't attend. Proxies are still provided, of course, but what sort of virtual sign-in sheet is recommended for people who are attending the meeting live? Is visual recognition of someone you know sufficient? ("Oh, I see that Bob has joined the meeting.")

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Answering my own question, after a followup discussion with our managing agent and other board members: we're going to have the Secretary do a verbal roll call and record attendance from that. This works for us because we have only 33 units in our co-op, but I can imagine it would be onerous for larger buildings.

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Check out Item #3 in this article to see if it suites your requirements

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Thanks for the pointer to those Zoom tips, which can help automate the roll call and automatically record participant info. For our meeting next week, we may use both a traditional roll call *and* the Zoom-supplied techniques as a backup.

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You're welcome and good luck. If you come up with something that works, please post it here. I'm sure it will help others with similar needs.

--- Steve

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emergency hallway lights in 6-story building - DP Jun 13, 2020

I'm seeking a knowledgeable, professional answer, please:
What kind of energy source is required for the emergency hallway lights in the event that the electricity in the entire building shuts off? (approx. 50 apartments)
• Auxiliary generator of some kind?
• Batteries?

Also, whose responsibility is it to ensure that those lights are up-to-date, up-to-code, fully functional, etc.?
• the super?
• the building management?
• the FDNY?
• HPD?

Thanks so much!

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I am definitely not a professional but do have some knowledge on the subject, so please take my answer for what it's worth.

Most hallway and other common area emergency lights are self-contained units. They rely on an internal rechargeable battery (lead-acid, like a car battery). They are wired into the building's 110V A/C power so they are constantly being charged. If the power goes off and the unit no longer senses the 110V, it automatically kicks over to battery. I think units may be obtained with different guaranteed minimum run-times, but I am not sure of this.

I'm assuming you live in a co-op or condo, so as for who has overall responsibility for the proper selection, care, testing, and other maintenance, the co-op or condo board does. The board can and almost always will engage the super, managing agent, or third party contractor for the hands-on requirements. But if the FDNY does an inspection and finds emergency lighting deficiencies, the violation will be written up against the building's owner and it will be the board's responsibility to cure the defects.

I hope this helps,
--- Steve

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Thank you Steve. That's helpful. Yes, a coop.

I may have misunderstood the intended purpose of the emergency back-up lights. I thought they were supposed to stay on, or at least be light-sensitive so they would come back on again after dark if the electricity was still off.

But a firefighter friend told me they were only supposed to be on at the beginning of the emergency (when the electricity cut off), e.g. to help people get out of the building. (But then what?) So they may have worked as they were supposed to, but it still seems dangerous to me.

Do you know anything about that, or where I can look for the info?


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Hi DP - As your firefighter friend explained, emergency lighting is used for emergency situations, such as helping to evacuate a burning building. It is not intended to be used for normal residential illumination. I'm guessing that people would not be allowed back into a building until the FD has certified it safe for occupancy. This would include appropriate lighting.

In the event only a part of the building was damaged and the rest could be legally occupied, it would be the responsibility of the building owner to make all repairs to damaged or destroyed common systems, such as electricity and lighting. I would surmise the FD would not allow re-entry until everything was back up to code.

Emergency lighting runs on battery, which has a limited rated illumination length. Once the battery is depleted, it would need to be recharged before being used again.

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Thanks again, Steven.

It was an odd emergency (Con Ed failure which affected a few buildings)—one outside of the usual definitions and parameters. There was no damage to the building, and no one was required to leave. I guess this was just one of those events that buildings really aren't prepared to handle—especially in an economically challenged neighborhood where the thought of going to a hotel didn't even cross my mind... and in the middle of a pandemic where we're mostly sheltering in place.

All seems OK now. Con Ed had to replace cables going into the buildings.

Thanks again!

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What if Coop Residents Don't Comply with Quarantine? - BBCA Jun 03, 2020

What recourse does a coop board have against residents (shareholders and sub-tenants) who refuse to comply with state regulations concerning masks and social distancing? Is this a violation of law that permits the Board to impose fines? Is there any thing the Board can do short of calling the police or seeking to terminate the lease?

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You can pass a house rule that covers mask-wearing and social distancing, in either a specific or a generalized way. You might want to ask your attorney for guidance on the phrasing. Afterwards, anyone who fails to comply is violating a house rule and is subject to whatever penalties your Proprietary Lease allows for breaking house rules.

A difficulty our attorney warned us about in the past: authority to impose fines must originate in the Proprietary Lease. So your board may not be able to impose a fine even for egregious violations of house rules.

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rental or coop - pierogiz May 16, 2020

hello. i live at 32-05 81st street in east elmhurst. this building is registered to the city as a coop and my lease shows that i am subletting. the building apparently went thru a coop conversion in the late 80s and as far as i have seen. everyone is a renter from xyz management corporation. the building doesnt have a coop board and i was wondering if this is legal. there are many issues in the building and individual apartments that the landlord doesnt address. are there any rules or laws that are broken by this building not operating as a coop but registered as one with the buildings dept?

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Hi pierogiz - Co-op apartments are a special type of of lessor/lessee arrangement that works like this. From a business organization perspective, a cooperative apartment building is owned by a unique form of not-for-profit corporation. This corporation owns the land (in most cases) and the building(s) outright.

When you "purchase" a co-op apartment you are actually buying shares of stock in the co-op corporation. At your closing you should have received a formal printed stock certificate showing how many shares you own and a copy of the corporation's Offering Plan. These are two key documents. If you took out a mortgage, the originator is given the stock certificate as collateral for the loan.

In exchange for owning the shares of stock apportioned to your unit, the co-op corporation grants you a Proprietary Lease. This is a special kind of lease that is similar to the lease you would sign if you simply rented your unit from a landlord.

Someone who owns a co-op apartment is both a shareholder in the corporation and at the same time is a leasee of the corporation. The terms "lessee" and "renter" are often interchanged, so you might be referred to as a renter.

To determine if you are a co-op owner or simply renting your apartment, think back to when you first signed a lot of paperwork and received the keys. Was it at a formal closing? Did you take out a mortgage? Did you pay one large sum at the closing or do you pay monthly rent to your landlord? Were you given an original or photocopy of a stock certificate? Do you remember receiving a copy of a thick document titled Offering Plan.

If your answer to these questions is "yes", you are most likely a co-op owner. If all you did was sign a lease and handed over a security deposit you are most likely a renter.

Once you determine what you are, the rest of your questions will fall into place.

Good luck!
--- Steve

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On the D.O.F. website

Using block: 1177 and lot 1, for your address, it shows some units listed as a co-op, while others as apartment. ???

While renters do not have the same rights as owners,
maintenance issues should absolutely be addressed and resolved.

The Business Corporation Law states Co-Ops are required to hold annuals meetings and have a board of directors.

As a renter, you don not have any rights to vote, however if the management company is not responding to your maintenance needs, you would at least be and to reach out to the board

"A meeting of shareholders shall be held annually for the election of directors and the transaction of other business on a date fixed by or under the by-laws.  A failure to hold the annual meeting on the date so fixed or to elect a sufficient number of directors to conduct the business of the corporation shall not work a forfeiture or give cause for dissolution of the corporation"

You might try and contact the department of finance for assistance or call 311. I have found Marcel Dixon to be very helpful.

Marcel Dixon
NYC Department of Finance│External Affairs

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I definitely rent my apartment, however, I think the landlord doesn’t have a functioning coop board at the building as everyone is a renter... how do I. Find out which apartment is still under rent control in the building and actually physically go and speak to those tenants to see if they are under rent control

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N.Y. Attorney General;jsessionid=y44nathAXmNrxUAjlP9uVF7ZZE0QceOF9WS6_mUsdQQG6bJAjs0z!2126564131

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Hope this helps....

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Can my board legally charge odor fee? - Lucy May 15, 2020

I own a co op apartment in the county of Westchester, NY, which I am currently subletting to a young couple. Apparently, the couple vape Marijuana and some neighbors have complained. I resided in that apartment for over 15 years and people have always smoked and now suddenly this is problem. I am totally against vaping but that is irrelevant. I have discussed this situation with my tenant since the first complain received from management and he apologized, owing up to it. A few month later, there was a second complain, and he again apologized. There was a third time, which he denied. My board is now charging me $800.00, a fee for odor issue. Can my board legally charge this fee?

I am feeling discriminated and targeted. A few weeks ago I went to the building to visit a friend whose apartment is located at the rear side of the building, which has its own entrance .To my surprise the smell of Marijuana was present. When I spoke to the board about this, they stated that no one has complained therefore they don't have any report on file. In other words, there is nothing they can do. Please advice!

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Question: Does your renters have a Medical Marijuana card? If yes your board can not say anything nor charge you for odors. Building has a # of odors Like cooking, smoking and painting and construction.
Medical Marijuana (Vaping does not smell ) nor does vaping smoking cigarets I know this for a fact.
Sounds like someone doesn't like your renter. Before you fight this check if they have a medical card. The board can not charge for something that is legal. Good luck and let us know what happens.

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In addition to PC #1's good suggestions, I would recommend you check your co-op's House Rules for a no-smoking clause. One might have been added recently, although as a shareholder you should have been notified at the time.

Co-ops and condos must abide by a Warranty of Habitability. This is law which states in effect that in multi-unit buildings, it is the responsibility of the landlord (or co-op board or HOA) to insure each unit is habitable. You should check the Warranty of Habitability for Westchester to understand exactly what it says.

Second-hand smoke of any sort is the major habitability complaint. It sounds like in the building you visited, everyone was cool with the marijuana smoke so no one complained. In the building housing your sublet unit, some shareholders are not so understanding. But they will most likely prevail if this becomes a legal matter.

I don't think you or your sublet are being targeted. The fact your sublet smoked a second time after being warned affects his credibility. If a unit owner once again smells MJ smoke, it is not too difficult for them to arrange with a board member to visit the unit owner's apartment while the MJ odors are present. The board also has the right to enter your sublet's apartment at the same moment in time to sniff for tell-tail traces of MJ smoke.

The best thing you can do is warn your sublet against smoking anything. Period. Then be proactive. Notify the board that if they receive another complaint, you would like a board member to immediately visit your unit to see if any aromas are present. Incense and other aromatics will only decrease credibility further.

Please be aware that I am not an attorney, and what I wrote above is worth what you paid for them.

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Beware of Digital TV service providers bearing bulk contracts! - Steven424 May 08, 2020

I was recently approached by a digital TV provider offering my shareholders a spectacular package discount, provided all my apartments signed up for their service.

A quick perusal, and I learned that if less than 75% of my apartments accepted the offer, my Co-op would have to make up the difference. Basically, all maintenance-paying shareholders who did not sign up for the new package would be subsidizing the remaining few who did.

We'd been approached in the past with similar offers, and it's amazing how they've become more bloated, like a sponge in water. The package in place when I became treasurer 12 years ago was for two years. The replacement package I rejected was for three years. The offer that was given to me this week was for five years.

Five years of being on the hook to an increasingly obsolete service delivery technology. They must be reading the same articles I do:

My building is wired for both cable and fiber optics, so we have the luxury of competition. If your building bundles DTV services into maintenance and all shareholders are required to pay for them regardless, then the discount packages may make sense. But if services are optional, and shareholders can opt-out, be very very careful of what you commit to.

Caveat Emptor!!

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