Why do shareholders who get STAR checks directly from NYS (this was implemented a few years ago) get a higher co-op abatement from NYC than those who do not get their STAR checks from NYS. Both types of shareholders have the same size apartments, number of shares and maintenance. Thank you.
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I informed my managing agent that my coop is my primary residence. However, I never received my rebate for the monthly nyc coop condo assessment.
Managing Agent recently responded I did not return a notarized statement they sent to me a few years ago stating the property was my primary residence, so they did not inform NYC Dept of Finance.
Before they finally informed me of that, I had phone conversations and emails asking why I hadn’t received the rebate, where they never told me about the need for the notarized form. So, I missed out on two years of rebates.
All current communication with the Board and Managing Agent is ignored.
I’m considering small claims court. Any other advice or thoughts would be appreciated.
I'm on the board of an HDFC in Brooklyn, and our accountant has completely fallen off the face of the earth for the past year. We're looking for a new accountant or firm that will take on an HDFC. Anyone have one to recommend?
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Yonkers NY =coop rebuild time =over 2.5 years
Allstate insurance normal coop policy = 1 year relocation max= everybody in the fire building with allstate had this clause
state farm= 1 guy had a 2 year relocation max=
one other family had a cash umbrella limit= probably the best if you review it yearly
remember you have to pay your mortgage while you are unable to use your apartment and paying rent in your temporary 3 year abode.
i always knew about replacement value insurance and carried it, i learned via a friends misfortune with his house fire.
the insurance brokers always tell you , you will be back in in a year, This is untrue in yonkers and probably many areas of NYC.
My journey through this is almost done,
Fire Hydrant are not suppose to freeze not in canada, not in yonkers = Improper maintenance or installation causes this
I wrote to our board quoting the bylaws that allow me to take a portion of the hallway near my door that no one else can ever use in anyway. The board responded that I can buy it for the same price per Sq ft as apartments in the coop.
Then my next statement showed a charge of $300. When I inquired I was told it was legal fees for researching my question. Can they do that without notifying me that research is necessary and that it will cost me?
A shareholder/board member in my coop simultaneously sold her apartment and bought another (bigger) apartment (sponsor unit). The bigger apartment she purchased was one of few apartments that our coop had originally decided to keep for income purposes. I guess the decision to sell a sponsor unit is within the powers of the board, but I thought that when the board decides to sell a sponsor unit, they are supposed to notify ALL shareholders, so that every shareholder has en equal opportunity to buy that apartment. Am I wrong? There also seems to be a conflict of interest when the sponsor unit is sold to a board member.
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We have an exhaust fan in our laundry room with rotating blades to the street.
There was a screen covering these blades that was recently removed.
We are not a gated community and this poses a danger to humans and animals that might be playing in the area.
Since multiple request to cover the exposed blades have been ignored, are there any laws that require management to replace the protective screen?
We are about to re-do the entire façade on our 5-story building. On one side is our neighbor’s courtyard and our contractor said he will need access there in order to do the work on that side. Our neighbors haven’t rejected our request outright but say it can’t be done now since their courtyard is used recreationally and they suggest late Fall/Winter. Our contractor has applied for permits and is ready to start now. Is there any legal obligation on our neighbors to provide access? Our contractor’s insurance would name them as additional insured.
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Does the warranty of habitability apply to a common area such as the bike room, which our co-op does not charge for and states use at your own risk. Risk meaning if your bike is stolen, they are not responsible.
The conditions in the bike room have become unsafe with some areas of the ceiling falling and an infestation of waterbugs. Our management and board will not remedy this situation and say this is not their responsibility.
They said it was only a small area of the ceiling that fell and use of this common area is at your own risk.
They have not informed other cooperatives of the possible dangers from the falling ceiling and possible lead and asbestos contamination.
Our board president has been in power for 30 years, and we haven't had an election in forever. Some shareholders are looking to run this year for the first time in forever. There are many concerns:
- Management directed any shareholders turning in proxies to return them to the doorman. But the doorman have been instructed to hand deliver these proxies straight to the President's apartment
- Requests to the management for a list of who is running have gone ignored
- Libelous letters written by the Board president that paint the challenging shareholders in a very poor light have been put under all doors
Questions - can the board get away with "postponing" the election? What are our rights to challenge? Not receiving any replies from management...
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Could you explain how one receives their abatement directly from NYC? Are you certain it is the STAR abatement? From my understanding the STAR abatement is sent directly to the Managing Agent who then either disperse the money to the owner OR some Coops keep the abatement thus avoiding a maintenance increase. There is a similar question going on about how to obtain lost abatement in which a commenter recommended this link: https://cooperator.com/article/star-on-the-rise/full This is a very good article, explains much and includes the following: "When you live in a co-op, the money doesn’t go directly to the unit owner, but to the building itself. It’s then up to the management company or building administration to disburse the money to the proper parties.... the abatement is paid in a lump sum directly to the building"
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