Our board president has been in power for 30 years, and we haven't had an election in forever. Some shareholders are looking to run this year for the first time in forever. There are many concerns:
- Management directed any shareholders turning in proxies to return them to the doorman. But the doorman have been instructed to hand deliver these proxies straight to the President's apartment
- Requests to the management for a list of who is running have gone ignored
- Libelous letters written by the Board president that paint the challenging shareholders in a very poor light have been put under all doors
Questions - can the board get away with "postponing" the election? What are our rights to challenge? Not receiving any replies from management...
Hello again:
The Board is considering a default of a shareholder's proprietary lease due to violations of both the House Rules and PL related to noise. From what I understand this is a rare practice by coops. The shareholders have not been able to work the issue among themselves and, in fact, the offending shareholders have rebuked and insulted Board members and management who attempted to mediate and resolve the matter. We have documentation and testimony who can verify the excessive noise.
Does anyone have any experience related to defaulting a shareholder's PL? Was it successful?
Being self-employed is very challenging, however, your income can fluctuate, and there's always the chance that it could sink so low that you can not afford to pay your bills on-time, i totally lost it and it hurt my credit so bad, my score dropped to 563 before i took matters into my own hands by contacting a professional credit repair hacker at ( spiderwebhhack at gmail dot com (669)2005680 ). He cleared my report showing a list of inquiries, collections, existing debts & late payments and upgraded my score to 788 within 72 hours very affordable. I can't thank them enough because of their help as I own my own business now and I promised to take my time to publish this for them when i get results. Obviously my credit is good and i am impressed and grateful to this brain of wisdom.
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We are currently seeking a new live in super. As of today, we have been advertising solely with Zip recruiter. I am wondering if any other boards have used other hiring platforms to find superintendents for their building.
This is a non union job.
Thank you
We are in a top floor co-op unit. The ceilings in one room are cracked badly, and made of heavy concrete. These cracks have been there since we moved in 6 years ago, but we recently had a contractor looking into other issues and he says we should replace cracked ceiling for safety reasons.
I understand walls and ceiling repairs are usually the responsibility of the tenant, but in this case damage seems to be due either to a past leak or flex in the roof above. Should we get an engineering inspection to determine the cause, in hopes of getting the co-op to assume responsibility for repair, or would that be wasted money? If an inspection says the damage is from a past leak or other roof issues, is the co-op responsible?
Psychotherapist in his own co-op professional suite has been given 2 days notice to find another place to practice (or to terminate practice) because of adjacent apartment renovation which will be so noisy as to make psychotherapy conversation impossible. The Board says there is no recourse. Is there any?
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Our building has always permitted repairs to cable/internet (by Spectrum. TW etc) on weekends or whenever without approval.
Suddenly they are claiming no internet repairs may take place on weekends though these type of repairs are not disturbing to anyone.
How can this be?
Hi: We've had a number of noise-related issues between shareholders, specifically excessive noise emanating between units during the late night/early morning hours (i.e. walking too hard, loud talking, TV/radio noise, etc). Despite the Board's efforts to have the shareholders work it out among themselves, not much has helped curb the issues.
I just wanted to ask if any Board/coop has implemented some form of 'quiet hours' at their respective building - similar to hotels - where residents are 'encouraged' to keep their conduct at bay during a set time during the nights/early mornings. If so, has it worked and how did you sell it to the residents?
Evidently, you can install a camera in an apartment hallway only so long as it shows your doorway only and no activity of the neighbors or in the hallway itself.
The new "smart" doorbells - which have a direct line of sight out into a hallway - might reveal the neighbor, say, getting his newspaper in his/her jammies or people going to and from his / her apartment.
This seems illegal. And/ or these types of doorbells may invade your neighbor's privacy. Has anyone dealt with this issue his in their coop or condo?
A person has been living in our co-op for the past 13 years.
She moved in to help her elderly parents and was not on the proprietary lease or stock certificate.
Her parents past a way more than 10 years ago. They left her the co-op in their will.
For 13 years this quiet woman now a senior herself has lived in the apartment, never causing any problem, never late with her maintenance, received a letter stating she must now put her name on the lease and stock certificate and go through the admission process.
Our by-laws state you must be on the proprietary lease and stock certificate to live here however, the co-op has man people who have domestic partners and are not on the P.L and S.C. Does this now affect them as well or is this one woman being targeted?
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It would be helpful if you could post the wording in the written instructions for the proxy, and the actual wording of the proxy. that could help determine the illegality of your election process.
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