There will be a meeting of RSU on Wednesday, December 10th at 6:30 p.m. This meeting will focus on filing complaints with the Attorney General's office; two attorneys will lead the meeting.
If your co-op is still controlled by the sponsor, this meeting is for you.
For more details, see the RSU blog
We are a condominium, not a co-op. At the last annual meeting there were 5 seats up for election. It has now come to the homeowners attention that 2 of the newly elected board members are husband and wife and live together in the same unit. The board always worked on the premise that only 1 person per unit/deed can sit on the board. Does anyone know the legality of this. Any advice would be appreciated.
We have a non-union co-op right now. Are 'resident managers' NOT eligible for seiu given their title? It is confusing as this person is also referred to as the building super and does the same work as a super. I went to the seiu website as well as the local chapter and did not find a listing of which employees are eligible. If a building becomes unionized could the 'resident manager' stay (at the non-union salary we are paying), and would we have to hire unionized porters? I also need a website or source for information in understanding union issues. thx
I would like to poll those on their boards to ask what your increases in maintenance will be this year, if any, and why.
On our board we are about to vote on a 10% increase due, primarily to our properties real estate taxes in 2009.
All suggestions and experiences appreciated:
At this time we have no qualifications in our Bylaws for Board members – except that they must be owners.
Last year a Shareholder ran for the Board who is involved in a very heated law-suit with the building. Most SH found it disturbing that he was allowed to run. He was not elected -- but he did come to the meeting with a lot of proxies. And we were concerned.
We want to insert an new amendment into our Bylaws – as to qualifications of Board members – prohibiting SH involved in any legal dispute with the Coop or in errors – to run for the Board.
Also, if a Board member becomes involved in a legal dispute with the building while on the board – that he/she resign.
In the past we had a BM involved in a legal dispute on the board, and this owner benefited from being on the Board—discussing the case with the Coop lawyer, Mang Company and friendly board members.
Thank you…HG
theoretically, cash tips over $20 in any given month are supposed to be reported to the IRS. the employer is responsible and can be fined if caught not reporting and so can the staff member. what is a coop to do to be REALLY proper. Should they ask residents to tell them the amount they tip and then the coop can report it to the IRS? This seems to protect the coop.
Our condo has negative operating funds and almost no reserves and our mothly charges will be going up. aren't we in a terrible financial situation to be so on the edge? The Board seems tobe in dneial or glossing over this
Can anyone recommended a good Tax Certiorari Attorney who has been successful with the city in reducing assessments. We have a 24 unit co-op in Chelsea
We are raising our maintenance in 09 by 5%. I'd like to know what others are doing.
NYSERDA's been giving out large sums in cash incentives and subsidized loans (even in THIS day and age!) for co-ops and condo or rental apartment buildings in the Con Ed territory. You should look into it more or email me for more information.
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You should consult your by-laws and association papers to find out how many representatives from one unit may run. It may be that both representatives on the deed may run, but only one representative is allowed at the time as you understand it. Otherwise, a consultation to an attorney may be the most neutral way to resolve the problem without creating ill feelings on individuals and documentating once and for all similar situations in the future.
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