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Energy ESCO - Mike Jan 14, 2009

Has anyone had experience switching from Con Ed to an ESCO? Lower energy costs, locked in rates, no sales tax all sound attractive. Which company would you recommend?

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I switched over once, to something I believe called ITC, just for my own apartment. The monthly bill went significantly up. Why? Because (and I don't remember the exact name and don't have a bill right in front of me) "transport charge" or "delivery charge" that Con Ed charges itself is lower than what it charges ESCOs.

So even though the rate per kilowatt hour was lower with the ESCO, the overall bill was higher.

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We have not made a switch yet but have been working with a company called Tradition Energy who will put your building out to bid with a number of ESCO's. I've never heard of the "delivery charge" changing if you switch because Con Ed continues to bill you for the delivery charge after the switch, but it's definitely worth asking. Most savings are realized on the reduction in sales tax.

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Mice:Whose problem is it? - BN Jan 14, 2009

One shareholder in our small building is infested with mice for almost two months now. He's neat and clean and not his fault. He's got them running across his livingroom and kitchen day and night. We have the building exterminator treat unit, still at least one a day ends up in a trap. We doen't know why this is happening now. Only two things have changed: shareholder below him got two dogs and a cat (could pet food be left out? Why would that send mice one flight up?) Other thing is we replace baseboard heating in unit with identical ones. Exterminator stuffed holes in wall around pipes with steel wool and seems mouse-proof. What is the next step for the Corp? Aren't we responsible for doing whatever it takes to alleviate the situation? Are we in violation if the prop lease states landlord will keep the building free of vermin?

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Mice came out of the holes and the exterminator plugged the holes up with steel wool. Mice come and go from the same path. They can't get back into their exit point so they will run around until they are caught. I would place glue traps in the area until they are all caught.

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The solution is so simple, it's been used for millennia: See if he'd consider getting a cat. That is the one surefire thing that works.

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BN: Your SH may be clean, but if he has a hole in a wall mice can get in the apt if they find it. Your exterminator overlooked it when he put in new heaters or didn't look everywhere. Check where sink pipes go in the wall, behind the range/fridge/dishwasher and around electrical outlet wall plates.

Mice can chew or push thru steel wool. Stuff holes with fine copper wire mesh then seal it with silicone. Mice won't chew copper; it's poisonous to them. If there are exhaust vents on kitchen/bath walls, put a sheet of copper wire mesh behind the cover panel.

Also, if the SH below has dogs/cats, mice in the walls (and all bldgs have mice in the walls) may smell pet food, esp if it's not eaten and left out too long. If they can't get into that apt, they'll go in any nearby hole they find. Mice will climb UP inside walls to floors above but they seldom climb down to floors below.

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Thanks all BT participants for sharing suggestions with me. We've had exterminator in since I posted and they sprayed foam into all the crevices and spaces recommended. It's pretty unsightly, but SH seems to have some relief from mice for a couple days. I will discuss copper mesh/silicone as next step. We're considering having exterminator come and do an inspection of outside of building for entry points. It's not very $$- $100, they will then make suggestions for mouseproofing perimeter. Think this is a good step?

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BN: Spraying foam in holes helps for a while but it turns to liquid and will eventually evaporate. Holes have to be sealed.

We did major extermination a few years ago. The result was great. We sealed holes on the bldg exterior on the ground floor. Once mice get into the bldg, they can go thru walls and get into any hole they find -- in apts and in bldg service areas.

We were painting all our bldg service areas anyway so when we removed all the equipment and supplies from the offices, trash areas, store rooms, etc., our exterminator sealed holes before we painted and put everything back in place. We also sealed holes in the compactor, boiler, oil tank and meter rooms. We were amazed at how many holes and wall fissures were found in those areas. We put metal sweeps on all service room doors (not rubber, mice can chew thru it) and got new trash bins with attached covers.

We sent residents a firm memo reminding them to discard trash properly and to seal holes in their apts. and we kept on top of this. We've had no complaints of mice/bugs since.

Interestingly, we also found that after we sealed all the holes in bldg service areas, the temperature on the ground floor was 8-10 degrees higher, so we've saved money on the cost of heating the lobby and the hallways to ground floor apts.

BN - You may not want to go as far as we did but I recommend your exterminator checking the bldg exterior for entry points and doing any common are interior work you can afford. People still have to seal holes to keep mice out of their apts, but anything you can do to keep mice out of the bldg, and inside the walls if they do get in, is worth the effort.

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Thanks for info. I asked exterminator if he handles sealing up perimeter holes on the outside and inside, such as in our basement which has old brick walls. He doesn't do certain types of hole sealing that involve more than--? Is there someone you can recommend who can fill holes in walls with whatever needs to be used. Maybe we need a different exterminator? He said he used to recommend people to seal masonry but then it backfired if they didn't do a good job.

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BN: Many exterminators won't seal holes, or charge a lot for it. Ours located and marked holes with chalk. Since we were painting our bldg service areas anyway the painters we've used for years patched the holes before they painted. A few wall fissures in the boiler room, compactor room, etc. were so wide they couldn't be patched. They had to be filled with poured concrete. A lot of bldgs don't think about maintenance in rooms like these. There can be holes/cracks in them for years. If holes from outside give mice entry points into the bldg, they can then travel around in the walls and find their way to apts.

If you don't seal exterior masonry, at least seal what you can inside the bldg.

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which bank do you use - rene Jan 07, 2009

Hi Everyone,
We are very unhappy with our bank - capital one- and we are searching for another bank for our business account. If you are located in brooklyn and you are happy with your bank please pass along the name so i can look into it.

Thanks in advance for your help!

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If i may Rene, why are you unhappy with Capital One ?

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Tax Certiorari Attorney - jbm Jan 07, 2009

Our co-op is interviewing candidates to replace our tax certiorari attorney. Any suggestions on what key questions we should be asking aside from getting a list of their clients

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I Use Lawrence J. Berger P.C.

200 Madison Ave, ste:1902
ask for Lawrence Berger or Harvey Shiff


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Pullman Meeting Vote Question - BN Jan 05, 2009

If a special shareholder's meeting is being called for the purpose of voting to terminate a shareholder's tenancy, as happened in the Pullman case, does the shareholder that the Corp wants to oust get to vote? In other words, is the 75% majority needed to succeed in terminating their lease comprised of 100% of shares excluding the shareholder in question? In the 2006 Lapidus case, an article in NY Times states 98% of shareholders voted in favor of terminating Lapidus' lease--this percentage in favor seems impossible if shareholder Lapidus was allowed to vote. Hence my question of who is allowed to vote at the special meeting.

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Check your Proprietary Lease for details on terminating a lease for "objectionable conduct" -- it's often Paragraph 31(f). Different leases have different procedures: some require only a 2/3 majority vote of the Board. Take a look at the decision in London Terrace Towers v. Michael Davis.

Most importantly: Consult your lawyer! This is a drastic and awful step for everyone involved.

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Yes, check your lease - in some cases it requires a majority of the shares to approve OR a 2/3 or 3/4 vote by the board. In any case, have a strong paper trail to substantiate your claim and work closely with the lawyer. As long as the shareholder being accused is still a shareholder, then they should be able to vote.

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Isn't this rather a nuclear response? I mean, Pullman?

I know you can't talk about specifics on a public forum, but eviction can handle anything from hoarding and pest-created problems by a SH, and financial things like missing maint. payments. The law can handle someone violent or threatening.

What does that leave? Kicking someone out because you don't like him or her? So they're rude in the elevator? So what? Are they suing the board? Lots and lots of SHs sue boards -- and sometimes they win, because boards aren't always right. You're allowed to sue a board without being kicked out of your house. What could someone possibly be doing to deserve this, and have you tried other means of resolution? A mediator maybe? Or do you just go nuclear?

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Boiler Installation - jbm Jan 02, 2009

looking for a good boiler installation contractor to replace an oil fired (#2) boiler in a 24 unit co-op in Chelsea. Also does anyone know how long it takes to get the various permits from the city for removal and installation

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Jeffery Eichenwald, PH#(212)982-4803 E-mail- This guy is a genius, he will take care of everything, from getting you the right boiler the right size, the company and all the permits. I believe he's an engineer, NYC housing uses him also. I work as a RM and this guy is probably the best I've seen with the most knowledge.

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Try Marlande Heating Corp. (718) 993-4350
Leardon Boiler Works (718) 585-5314
Atlas Welding & Boiler (718) 293-3300

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Took your advice and hired Jeff as a consultant - you are correct he is very knowledgable and we were looking forward to working with him having signed a contract a month ago. Unfortunately, he won't answer phone or email messages and has twice missed his own deadline for submitting specs for our new boiler installation. Do you know if others have experienced this problem with him?

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I work as a resident manager, and everyone who has worked with him had nothing but good things to say! except the contractors, because Jeff does not let them get away with any short cuts or unnecessary equipment. is my e-mail. comtact me directly is you need any help.

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roof antenna - downtown Dec 29, 2008

Can anyone refer a name or phone number of roof antenna companies who would be interested in installing antennas on my co-op's roof?

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Here are a few I deal with...

Verizon – 1-866-862-4404 / Judy – 908-607-8859

Northrop Grumman – 917-567-3287

OmniPoint – 973-872-5109

Wireless Capital – (AT&T) – I am having a problem locating thier number


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ERL Electronic Products in Rego Park -- Tel: 718-275-7700.

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This may or may not apply, but do realize that over-the-air TV transmission is going digital in mid-Feb., and that a standard rooftop antenna, while it may still work, will need set-top adapters for each TV to which that antenna is set up.

It might be more practical to go with master satellite antenna or with cable, for which an apartment house can get a bulk discount. I'm pretty sure there have been Habitat articles about that.

And Happy New Year!

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thanks i was also inquiring about cell phone antennas.

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Budgeting for Economic Stability & Posterity - AR Dec 29, 2008

I posted this below and decided to repost it under a seperate heading to generate more reading and hopefully assist more people...

Budgeting for Economic Stability

I have not been on in a while and it is good to see some old/familiar people…

In light of some post that I am reading and recent conditions, I decided to post the following to assist some Boards with creating (modifying) their 09 budget

It is important for management when creating the budget to consider the posterity of the building.
Budgeting as most US households today, and as our government does by pushing financial responsibility into the future is irresponsible. We do not and should not EVER borrow to pay bills in our personal or business lives. (I have 2 buildings going debt/mortgage free this year!)

When creating a budget, all anticipated annual expenses are taken into account, based on the current years spending, announced water/utility increases, Taxes (future taxes can be obtained from the DOF website), regular expenses, anticipated salaries, and other expected expenses.

Additionally, the condition of the building and anticipated physical maintenance costs are important to factor in; most people become modest here, but do not be. It is a good idea to obtain an engineer’s condition report and a five year capital plan from a good engineer to assist in pinpointing this number. Forget the fact that fuel dropped, leave the number alone!

Once you have a solid list and sum of anticipated expenses, then calculate what your required income (maintenance) should be per share and add 5-7%. This should be your new maintenance

Hope this helps someone...


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To be clear, increasing maintenance is not being lazy - Steve G Dec 29, 2008

There is a posting herein where the individual asserts raising maintenance is being “lazy”.

May I suggest that in a well run building, whether self managed or managed via a property management company, husbanding funds should be a way of life, de rigueur.

Thus, in a well run building, there are increases every year in maintenance fees (and perhaps assessments) to account for salary increases, utility increases, tax increases, insurance might be a bit variable and could even decrease if one is willing to front more of the deductible, preventative maintenance increases as the building ages.

To avoid increases is perhaps to invite insolvency.

To delay capital expenditures is perhaps flirting with disaster or at a minimum poor services to the residents, e.g.: lack of hot water, heat, leaky roof, etc.

To refinance is to condemn future owners to payments for improvements enjoyed by current residents. Not really fair when you look at it that way.

Remember, corporations borrow to create new or improved products and thus generate more revenue and produce more profits.

By borrowing, what new or improved products are generated that benefit the building / property? None!!

So why borrow? Why refinance?

Why pay interest expense that is of no value to the corporation (e.g.: building and owners)?

Think about it please.

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You give a false dichotomy by saying that to be fiscally responsible, one must raise maintenance yearly. This is a clever debate tactic, but untrue.

One can be fiscally responsible without resorting to lazy (i.e. uncreative) maintenance increases / assessments.

A creative board will look at such revenue-raising options as selling unused common areas, creating basement storage, adding to existing rental parking spaces, signing up with film/TV location companies, leasing rooftop space to communications companies, etc.

(One can also cut expenses, though this is generally in such long-term ways as submetering, installing a condensing boiler -- see Habitat front pager today -- etc.)

Such inventive but labor-intensive thinking can mitigate or stave off an increase in a particular year. For these reasons, I agree with the previous board member that simply raising maintenance or issuing assessments is the lazy way out.

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This poster makes several good suggestions.
Looking at any given budget and property one can find from 5-50 ways to generate income or save on expenses.

there are energy consulting companies and the like that can assist you in finding and tapping these areas as well.


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Budgeting for Economic Stability

I have not been on in a while and it is good to see some old/familiar people…

In light of some post that I am reading and recent conditions, I decided to post the following to assist some Boards with creating (modifying) their 09 budget

It is important for management when creating the budget to consider the posterity of the building.
Budgeting as most US households today, and as our government does by pushing financial responsibility into the future is irresponsible. We do not and should not EVER borrow to pay bills in our personal or business lives. (I have 2 buildings going debt/mortgage free this year!)

When creating a budget, all anticipated annual expenses are taken into account, based on the current years spending, announced water/utility increases, Taxes (future taxes can be obtained from the DOF website), regular expenses, anticipated salaries, and other expected expenses.

Additionally, the condition of the building and anticipated physical maintenance costs are important to factor in; most people become modest here, but do not be. It is a good idea to obtain an engineer’s condition report and a five year capital plan from a good engineer to assist in pinpointing this number. Forget the fact that fuel dropped, leave the number alone!

Once you have a solid list and sum of anticipated expenses, then calculate what your required income (maintenance) should be per share and add 5-7%. This should be your new maintenance

Hope this helps someone...


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Need Roofing Contractor - david 600 Dec 28, 2008

Could anyone suggest a good roofing contractor for our Co-Op's brownstone roof?



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Wayne Bellet Construction

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Try L & Z Restoration Corp. 718-383-4131

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Bernini Construction did a cold-rolled roof for our building about 4 years ago. Nice job.

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We hired L&Z Restoration and they did a great job replacing our entire garage roof.

Pres :)

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I am a PM and I use OM Construction who is a very low cost, but excellent quality roofing company.. they have always stood behind their work and come back months later if they needed to address a complaint.

OH... you can call Dee - 917-306-8903

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Contact APA Restoration (718) 545-7510

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Try McFar. Call Rich 516-873-9080. Many successful jobs with them

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There are tax insentives to help pay for it

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