New York's Cooperative and Condominium Community



Beck vs. Co-op City, p.2


"It is unfortunate that, in an attempt to promote his ideology, Glenn Beck felt the need to attack Co-op City," Bronx borough president Ruben Diaz Jr. said in a more measure statement than Beck is accustomed to, without snark or sarcasm. "Co-op City is a great place to live, evident in the fact that close to 55,000 people make their home there. Glenn Beck is wrong on just about every issue … and now he is wrong about The Bronx as well. Glenn Beck does not know The Bronx and does not know Co-op City, and it might be helpful to him to visit our borough and see the many wonderful things that are happening here before he runs his uniformed mouth in the future."

As for billionaire Mayor Bloomberg, hardly the poster boy for Soviet-style anything, he could only laugh at Beck's ideologically tainted ignorance. He told reporters Thursday at City Hall, "For all I know he wants to live there and just can't get through the list and he’s complaining about it."


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