EBMG Outlines Snow Removal Guidelines from City Sidewalks

New York City

Nov. 26, 2014 — It may be a few more weeks until winter arrives, but it looks like snow may be arriving, well, now. No time like the present, then, to review New York City's snow removal rules for buildings within its boroughs. Mark B. Levine, vice president of business development at Excel Bradshaw Management Group, explains that New York City’s Department of Sanitation requires snow to be removed no later than four hours after it's done snowing, or no later than 11 a.m., if it was done snowing after 9 p.m. the night before. In EBMG's latest video, Levine offers tips on how to deal with snow in case it can’t be removed because of packed ice or other conditions. Buildings are allowed to place down cat litter, ice melt or anything that provides traction. Don't shovel snow into streets ever, warns Levine — it's illegal. And remember: Safety first! So keep hydrants clear at all times. Not complying by these rules can subject buildings to fines ranging from $100 to $350, per infraction. Check out EBMG's video here.


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