Week by Week: October 10

New York City

Oct. 10, 2016 — What's a shareholder to do when the board is the problem?

This week we'll consider two scenarios with problem boards. First, the story of how Carrie Feng and her fellow insurgents wrested control from a corrupt co-op board in Queens.

In our second story, we'll explain how shareholders can overcome a recalcitrant board's unwillingness to share corporate documents.

In Week by Week, sponsored by Matthew Adam Properties, we'll give shareholders the tools to fight corrupt and uncooperative boards.

Download it today at the App Store and Google Play.


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Got elected? Are you on your co-op/condo board?

Then don’t miss a beat! Stories you can use to make your building better, keep it out of trouble, save money, enhance market value, and make your board life a whole lot easier!