Week by Week: May 9

New York City

May 9, 2016 — Bad news and good news: The red tape involved in a canopy project is daunting; but there's a sure way to keep your board meetings down to 90 minutes.

A board planning to erect a canopy in front of the building needs to get ready to deal with red tape and bureaucratic foot dragging.

In our second story, we'll tell you about some simple steps your board can take to keep monthly meetings under a brisk 90 minutes.

In Week by Week, sponsored by Rudd Realty, we'll help you untangle red tape and take care of business in a flash.

Download it today on the App Store and Google Play.


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Got elected? Are you on your co-op/condo board?

Then don’t miss a beat! Stories you can use to make your building better, keep it out of trouble, save money, enhance market value, and make your board life a whole lot easier!