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search for new superOct 22, 2007

Our super just gave us 2 weeks notice.

Does anyone know where I can find supers looking for new positions? or does anyone know of any supers looking for an upgrade?

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Re: search for new super - Pgrech Oct 22, 2007

you can post a super wanted posting at this website job page
and see what resumes maybe posted already the site has 150,000 plus hits a month. that is the web site for Superintendents & Resident Managers Technical Association
Good Luck

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cool - AR Oct 23, 2007

I just checked out that site for the first time. I placed an ad there for a super also.... thx


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Re: cool - Pgrech Oct 23, 2007

It is a good website, designed to help both supers and boards/blding owners.
There is also a newsletter too.

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Ps. - Pgrech Oct 22, 2007

By the way, with about 8 weeks to go to the holidays, its a tough time to be searching for a good super.

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New Superintendent - Mike MacGowan Oct 22, 2007

You can also contact me at (212) 319-8375 or for the Manahattan Resident Managers Club, Inc. and I will pass along your request to my my membership.

Good luck.

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Re: New Superintendent - adelaide Polsinelli Oct 23, 2007

thanks so much. I really appreciate your assistance.

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new super (to Adelelaide) - Fat Nickie Oct 23, 2007

As part of one of the building managers associations in NYC I personally help buildings find staff (supers,handymen etc). Feel free to contact me at 212-223-6439. I am also in agreement with PGrech that it is definitely the wrong time for your super to leave with holiday season around the corner.



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I'm not picking on you, but... - AdC Oct 23, 2007

"I am also in agreement with PGrech that it is definitely the wrong time for your super to leave with holiday season around the corner."

I think PGrech meant it is a bad time to look for a super, not for Adelaide's super to leave the builidng.

If her building's super is leaving before the holiday season, it may mean that his/her work left a lot to be desired OR the writing was on the wall: NO TIPS during the holidays for BAD WORK!

Looking it with more optimistic or generous eyes: the person is retiring or got total disability.


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Re: new super (to Adelelaide) - Pgrech Oct 23, 2007

Nickie what I think Jamie is saying is that, Management tends to hire supers that best serve management and not the building. It is a given that the board should have final say in who is hired but not always is the case. It is great to have a super who can speak English but should not always be the final decision focal point. Experience is a major plus but also should not be the focal point. Finding a good super is like a recipe, Many ingredients added together to make the perfect fit. Note I said perfect fit, as so many buildings hire qualified supers but shortly thereafter depart as the super really wasn't what they are looking for. So, matching a super to a building in my opinion is as important as experience, language etc.
Just my two cents.
Nickie let's do lunch soon.

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Super (to Pgrech) - FN Oct 23, 2007

I agree with you Pgrech. I was merely pointing out that the question posted was where can I begin/search for a new super. What qualities/skills one has to offer is a seperate post (to Jamie). Lunch yes,soon


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Re: Super (to Pgrech) - Pgrech Oct 23, 2007

I agree and I understood. Too many times questions are not answered according to what was the asked Even though at times there are related issues, need to keep on track to the answer and not digress.

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super - adelaide Polsinelli Oct 24, 2007

thanks I will call you on this. your assistance is much appreciated.

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Super - Jamie Oct 23, 2007

The board should have the final say in the engagement of a new super. Management will hire one who will answer to their needs. This advice is from experience we got tired of "I must ask Mangt". first We now have a good diligent super. Just beware. Working knowledge of English at least should be a "must"

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to Jamie (whats your point?) - FN Oct 23, 2007

Adelaide? is looking to know who she can reach out to to find a suitable candidates to run her building. Whether you speak good grammer, answer to mgt/board that is a seperate issue/question. As I stated she is looking for a super.


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Hiring a Super - SaraSara Oct 23, 2007

This is a job interview. Ask questions.

Our S/H got together and forced the Board to fire our last Super. He was dis-honest (been caught takeing kickbacks, undisclosed criminal record, and he was doing renovations without premits) but he renovated and took care of a few board members.

These BoardMem and MangCo told us that this as "as good as it gets". But we had a strong interviewing committee, did real background checks, visited thier buildings to see how they lived and worked. This was valuable in that the Super we hired, in his last building had a very organized and clean office/work-space whereas the next one on our list had a messy office/work space.

AND most important -- let the final canidates know that they WOULD be fired if they did not do their job or were caught taking kickbacks.

One advice: Watch out for "experienced Supers" who are use to the old ways (you scratch my back, I scratch yours) and tend to drop back into bad habits -- so do consider someone who may have less exerience, but is anxious to move up and wants a good reputation. Also, ManCo can give recommendations, but should NOT be part of the interview/decision making.

For the last two years we have had a great Super! Who loves his job, and works hard. Our last Super gave orders, stayed in his apartment. Our new Super is respected by the rest of the staff -- because he is in his office every morning, and Works!

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Hireing a super (to Sara,Sara) - FN Oct 23, 2007

Nice story Sara, the lesson here is, do your homework before you hire a super. That is where your previous board/mgt company failed miserably. The above example applies in most hireing processes.


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