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board president purchaseJul 27, 2008

hi everyone...

the president of the board needs a windows computer to access our operating account. Since he has a mac, right now only the treasurer, me, has online access to the account. He suggested the board buy software for his computer ($300) so he can run the application on his mac.

keep in mind we are having trouble paying bills as it is....

In addition he says he will buy the software and then provide the board with a receipt and have then he can get reimbursed with a credit on his maintenance.

He said he has done this before, but it just doesnt sit well with me. Is this a familiar practice by board presidents?

thanks in advance for your help.


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Purchase of software for president's computer - AdC Jul 27, 2008

The Board should be able to discuss this frankly and take a vote on the purchase of an expensive software for the benefit of one person. IN your case, the president should be providing FULL justification for the purchase. As treasurer you should be able to obtain the information and provide it to the president as well as other board members.

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Bad idea... - vp Jul 28, 2008

This is a very bad idea. Offer to send him hard copies.

And to protect yourself, there should be an investigation as to exackly WHAT this board member bought, courtesy of the SH, for himself in the past. And put eveything in writing. and in the Board Min...

Full disclosure must be made to all the SH...Otherwise if other bills are questioned, you could be drawn into something that you did not start.
All you need is one disgruntled S/H to start looking into the accounts. and the next thing you know you are being called on to defend your decision -- in court.

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$300 is too much - June Jul 28, 2008

Mac users can use Parallels software which allows them to run PC applications on their Macs. The cost is about $79 and the board member should pay that themselves becoz we live in a Windows world and I'll bet this isn't the first time they have encountered this issue.

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Very bad precedent – kindly stay away. - JoeV Jul 28, 2008

In our co-op, a director, president or otherwise, is not reimbursed for anything, anytime, anywhere.

This means each director pays for his or her own phone calls, mileage, lunches, dinners (yes, that’s right -- we never go out to dinner or lunch on the co-op), stationery, persona;l postage, personal computer software, personal PC stuff, personal printer ink or toner; regardless of co-op business.

About the only thing a director does not pay for is an incoming or an outgoing fax, even if is personal.

And, we never allow a contractor to take us to lunch.

And, if we use co-op office stationery for anything (take a pen or pad away from the office), we reimburse the management office.

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Why? - Jack Aug 04, 2008

Why does he need Windows? How is your operating account accessed? What is the software that only runs on Windows? Why can't he access through a web browser? I think that are Internet Explorer versions for Mac if that is the problem.

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