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SuperOct 06, 2012

Can you tell me, Who is responsible froe hiring the super, management or Coop board?
Thank you

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supers - escapefromyonkers Oct 07, 2012

usually the board leaves that to the managing company, but if the new super is not working out you need to act to remove him/her before their probationary period is up, documentation is extremely important, but so is knowing the contract, other wise it may look like tour trying to micromanage. regardless of what the management company says. If they bring in a bum, that says a lot about the managing company. It happened to us, luckily i had union experience and my complaint/charge was the only one that stuck, the rest were denied at arbitration. This was when it was much harder to document, before digital cameras, early 90's. The new super that replaced him, has become like family to the building. .

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Super - Ann Oct 07, 2012

Appreciate the advice

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Super's Hiring - Mark B. Levine, RAM ( Oct 08, 2012

Typically, the Board will ask us to place the ad out or reach out to our connections for a few candidates that are first vetted by our management firm. Once we have a few candidates that we feel have all the required specifications and skills needed and will work nicely with the building and the Board, the Board likes to do final interviews.

At the end of the day, the Superintendent becomes a part of the community and most of the time the Management company does not live in the building. It is a great idea for those who are elected and who live in the community to do the final interview and make that final decision.

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who hires the super - MRM Oct 09, 2012

Mark is pretty much on the money with his response. Typicall the management company screen the candidates and the board decides. That is typically the norm.
I also am aware of situations where the management companies have steered the board towards candidates (whom they may know are looking to move, and may have managed another property very well for the mgt company) and in other cases board members may know personally of supers that are looking.

Hope this helps, MRM

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