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Pets and PatiosAug 23, 2008

We are a pet freindly building, however a shareholder has brought in a dog without requesting permission as stated in our house rules, and she is training it to defecate on the patio of her rear yard, adjacent to the ground level apt she owns. Anyone know if this is Board of Health violation? Owners of units above hers are disgusted and want to know what recourse we have as a Board.

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Re: Pets and Patios - GK Aug 24, 2008

Wow, there appear to be two GK's here. I'm a different GK, responding to the GK above.

Nip this in the bud. It doesn't need to be a big problem, imho. Sounds like communication is badly needed here; the shareholder needs to be talked to rather than about. Just be very no-nonsense and matter-of-fact. That she has violated house rules gives you some leverage. Notify the management company and have the management company write a polite but firm letter pointing out that she has violated house rules. Furthermore state that there have been complaints about the dog defecating on her patio in view of other shareholders' apartments. Not sure if it's a health violation; call 311 and ask. Certainly if it were on the sidewalk, and she didn't pick it up, she would be violating the law.

Sounds like the shareholder needs to be educated — educated about her responsibilities both as a shareholder and as a dog owner. As a dog owner I'm a bit perplexed: why in the world would she not walk the dog outside (and let him benefit from the ensuing socialization), train him to defecate at the curb (or in the local dog run), pick up after the dog, end of story. Sheesh.

Tell her that house rules mandate that she formally request permission; have her submit a letter; grant her permission to keep the dog; done.

And you might also consider directing her, in a friendly way, over here:

You can solve this! Good luck.

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