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Doorman selecting whom he opens door for - is this common?Dec 16, 2020

The doorman in our coop will not open the door for delivery people. He will sit and ignore them.
This seems discriminatory to me - is it common?

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Doorman selecting whom he opens door for - is this common? - Steven424 Dec 16, 2020

I don't know how common it is, but it is impolite, uncouth, and definitely casts your building in a terrible light.

You might mention something to your board or managing agent to let them know your disapproval of the doorman's actions. They may not be aware of the elitist attitude of one of their employees.

There may also be another side to the situation. Does your building have a service entrance separate from the main entrance? It may be that this particular delivery person has been asked multiple times to use a different entrance and is ignoring the request.

Bottom line is, the doorman is an employee of the co-op. If you are not pleased with his actions or demeanor, as a shareholder politely and factually bring it before the board or MA and ask if they can do something about it.

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