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Building Managers/Owners: Thoughts on canners?May 14, 2024

Hey everyone! I'm a reporter for the Mott Haven Herald and Hunts Point Express. We're working on a project about canners in the South Bronx. We'd love to talk to some building managers and/or landlords about their thoughts on canners to understand your thoughts on canners and any impact they might have on your building - if any - if they're talking cans from in front of your building. We've talked to a bunch of canners and recycling centers but haven't heard this perspective yet. Please comment here, DM me or email me at - being an anonymous source is an option if necessary, though not ideal.

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Thoughts on canners - Steven424 May 15, 2024

Before speaking to you, would it be possible for you to provide some identification like your name, email address, and links to current articles with your by-line? I try to not be paranoid, but in today's environment of fakes, deep fakes, deeper deep fakes, etc, one can never be too careful. A reply to this response should work, and would make your credentials available to all my fellow Habitants as well. Thanks!

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canners - DP May 15, 2024

A 30-second search brought this information:
It lists the same email she provided in her post. Looks legit.

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