PR News "Crisis Management Guidebook"

Dec. 30, 2010 — On the heels of such high-profile public-relations disasters as the case of the condo and the "Staten Island Seniors," and the regular parade of unpleasantness at Co-op City — a strike, board-member favoritism, bad behavior toward a disabled resident, crime — knowing how to deal with the press is not a luxury. The Internet makes everything national news, and co-op board members and condo directors have a responsibility not to let your corporation or association get its name dragged through the mud.

While very large co-ops and condos can afford to have a media-relations person on retainer, a smaller building can benefit from a book that tells you how to DIY. How do you find a useful book and not just one with surface-skimming generalities? Well, you find a specialty press that does nothing BUT publications about public relations. And, really, aren't you curious about what you get in a $399 book? No, we did not leave out the decimal point.

The fourth edition of Crisis Management Guidebook from PR News, the flagship publication of the PR Group at the Beltway company Access Intelligence, LLC, is essentially a toolkit to be used before, during and after crises. It contains insights, best practices, tips and case studies from crisis management professionals and others that will help you learn how to distinguish a crisis from a simmering problem, keep on message with the media, manage your online reputation, respond to online criticism and much more.

The recent Habitat article "How Co-ops & Condos Can Handle Press" gives an overview of why all this is becoming increasingly important. The Guidebook goes into much more detail about media relations, internal communications, reputation management, litigation PR, crisis planning and other such topics.

Hopefully, the the most helpful material will be day-to-day communication  — which heaven knows can help in dealing with con-op and condo residents — and you won't ever need to apply what you learn about crisis communication. But preparedness is key. Otherwise, you could find yourself pulling a Bloomberg in a snowstorm.


PR News Online / Access Intelligence, LLC • 4 Choke Cherry Road, 2nd Floor, Rockville, Md. 20850 • (301) 354-2101 • toll-free (888) 707-5814 •


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