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Mouseproofing WallsApr 08, 2009

I am on the board of a 10 unit co-op. I have a very bad ongoing mouse problem for six months and the exterminator suspects there are holes behind the kitchen cabinetry that are allowing the mice access. We're talking about several mice every week and some die behind the cabinetry and smell fierce for weeks.Is it the co-op's responsibility to pull out my kitchen cabinetry and repair holes, put cabinetry back? This is a costly process and I am told the cabinets may not make it through the repair because they are old. However, that wall must be fixed to stop the mouse problem. clearly is what must be done to stop the rodent problem. This is the original kitchen that came with the unit when I bought.

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Re: Mouseproofing Walls - Anonymous Apr 08, 2009

Have your Handyman or Superintendent pull out your stove and see if there any openings. Also underneath the sink and dishwasher. Have them plug the holes with steelwool (not brillo pads.

That should take care of your unwanted guests.

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Refinancing - John Apr 09, 2009

What is necessary for refinancing my coop
apt. Any money to pay the corp? Thank you

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Mice - AdC Apr 11, 2009

I would say that the co-op does the work of preventing mice by using exterminator, providing glue traps, making sure that basement doors and holes in basements are all mice proof, i.e., sweepers installed on doors of boilers, mesh on any openings or windows in the basement areas, etc.

Now, the walls behind the kitchen and moving cabinets happen to be the shareholder's responsibility to move. Consequently, should the person wish to eliminate potential areas of entry into the apartment, then he/she has to do their work. Similarly, all baseboards must be checked by the individual as well as closet areas. Why the co-op should absorb the total responsibility for finished walls in apartments, even behind cabinets, that is beyond my comprehension.

Good luck

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