September 02, 2013
Recent news affecting co-op / condo buyers, sellers, boards and residents. This week, for some reason, we're big on board-specific news: boards suing developers and residents, a board president squeezing "donations" from building vendors for a political bid and a board turning amateur cop and firing employees it suspects of thievery — hindering the investigation by actual cops. A George ZImmerman board, as it were. Plus, exclusive co-ops learn to compete for buyers and an alleged illegal hotelier has people arrested who complain! Man, late August is crazy!
Recent news affecting co-op / condo buyers, sellers, boards and residents. This week, the case may have involved a rental landlord, but a court approved "heavy surveillance" to build evidence of an illegal tenant. Condo and co-op boards dealing with illegal hoteling, take note. Elsewhere, the chickens come home to roost and the co-op board says they have to relocate, and at $125 million, a co-op penthouse becomes the most expensive publicly listed home in New York City history. Plus: Co-op board presidents tell their horror stories!
Recent news affecting co-op / condo buyers, sellers, boards and residents. This week, we're all about to lose our tax breaks. Not a joke. And, what tax credits we're entitled to are being delayed this year. Plus: Dog spas and triathlon gyms are among the latest condo amenities, a court says a co-op may be entitled to keep the deposit when a buyer throws the admission interview, and dryer lint catches Robert De Niro's apartment on fire — check your own dryers, folks; again, not a joke. And in keeping with this theme, it's no laughing matter when Joan Rivers is your condo board president.