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super's phone billJan 15, 2020

Are there any standards, laws, or regulations, etc., regarding who pays for the superintendent's cell phone in a coop building? Mine is a 55-unit, 6-story apt. coop (with rentals) building.

I ask b/c our super's phone frequently "goes out," making it impossible to reach him for days at a time. He doesn't receive vm or texts. This is not only annoying, but potentially dangerous in an emergency.

Knowledgeable advice or direction appreciated. Not so interested in opinions, thanks.

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Super's phone bill - Marty Jan 16, 2020

I'm not aware of any laws or regulations covering this. I think it's up to the Board to decide if they're going to partially or fully pay for the super's phone bill.

We give our super a subsidy each month for his personal cell phone. He uses his own phone to call us and have us call him. Since he's like a doctor on call, we choose to give him a monthly subsidy.

You have a dangerous situation if he's not staying in contact with the co-op. That's a far more important subject than who pays for his phone bill. I would think that being on call is a basic job requirement for any super, especially a live-in one.

Good luck.

Good luck.

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super's phone bill - DP Jan 17, 2020

Thanks Marty.

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Super's Phone Bill - Steven424 Jan 30, 2020

We also give our super a $50 monthly stipend for his cellphone. In exchange we publish his cellphone number to all shareholders and it is expeced he will respond to all calls and text messages in a reasonable amount of time.

A few years ago we purchased five commercial-grade walkie talkies, for the super, three staff members, and a designated board member (me). You have no idea how useful they are and how much more efficient everyone is because of the dedicated communications link. I'd be happy to talk offline with anyone who is interested.

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Super's phone bill - Marty Jan 31, 2020

Steven424 - Been a long time since I've seen your name. Good to see you dispensing your wisdom once again.

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Good to be back - Steven424 Feb 01, 2020

Hi Marty - Thanks for the warm welcome back. My wife passed away in Sept, 2018 and I've been slowly re-engaging with the activities I was involved with before she required my full-time care.

I'm glad to be back.
--- Steve

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super's phone bill - DP Feb 01, 2020

I don't know either of you gentlemen—Marty or Steve424—but since I began this thread, I'd like to offer my condolences to you Steve. I'm sorry for your loss and glad you're re-engaging. Best to you.

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Super phone bill - Marty Feb 01, 2020

Steven - I’m so sorry to hear about your wife. Please accept my condolences.

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Kind wishes - Steven424 Feb 04, 2020

Marty, DP -

Thank you both for your condolences. Her passing wasn't unexpected, and activities like my participation here help restore a sense of continuity with the past.

--- Steve

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Deepest Sympathy - NYC Feb 04, 2020

So sorry to hear of your wife's passing.


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